Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Luke passes the Bar Exam!

I just had to take a minute to brag on my amazing husband! Luke landed a great job working as the Lobbyist for the Kansas Association of Realtors right after law school last May, and had to put off taking the bar exam to conquer his first legislative session. Well, he finally took the bar exam (the most difficult test....EVER!) this past July...and found out today that he passed on the first try!! Woohoo! After months of studying all night long, it paid off! I am so proud of him! Love you baby=)


Katie Day said...

That's amazing!

Kim Dampier said...

Congrats Luke, that's awesome! And Kel-what's up with the red and blue, I'm surprised you didn't go up in flames, you are a TIGER! That's ok, I still love you!


Katie Hilfiker said...

Congratulations, Luke! That is wonderful news! Hey Kel!