Sunday, February 21, 2010

Superbowl and Taxes

"Take a Bite" "Chip, please" "Yummy" "More, more"...some of Taylor's favorite phrases regarding eating! Here she is digging into the chips before the Superbowl party that we hosted at our house! She does not usually sit on the kitchen counter unattended...but I took my chances for a few seconds while I snapped a picture. I love you my little chip eater!!

"It's good, don't judge!"

"I would stay here all day if you let me"

Taylor loves playing on her computer while Mommy and Daddy are on theirs. She loves it so much that we decided to let her do our taxes this year. Here she is examining all of our receipts from 2009. Good luck little girl, there are a bunch of them!

"My calculations look correct"
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1 comment:

D and K Gates said...

Love the taxes! To cute! Now you just need a pic of all three of you on your laptops!!